Monday, November 15, 2010

When God Moves

This past Sunday, I was given the chance to preach one last time at Mineola Baptist Church In Montgomery County Missouri.  This is the church that I gave my life to Christ at and turned my life over to the ministry at.  It has been a dream of mine to preach there and i have been able to do that on a number of occasions, but today was very special. 

It started by my wife Shannon giving a very moving testimony about how her life had been changed by this one church and that she would not be a Christian today if not for the people that gave their time and hearts to her. By the end there was not a dry eye in the place. 

Then it was my turn to preach. I don’t want to brag, but I think I did a ok job.  Let me say it like this, I preached until 12:15pm and no one seem to care that I kept them a little long.


The best part came as I was preaching I could see God working in the hearts of the people and that was really cool.  Seeing God working in the lives of the people is one of the best things in the world. 

This will always be one of my greatest preaching moments in my life. I want to thank everyone for coming out and thank  Mineola Baptist Church for having my family and I. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

2 More Wednesdays Left

Being a pastor one of the biggest days of the week is Wednesday.  This is the day when we have Wednesday night bible studies and for me Wednesday night youth.  I have been the Youth Pastor at Dorsett Village Church for the past 6 years and now I am moving on a new ministry. 

I only have 2 more Wednesdays with my Youth and then I have to leave them. This by far is one of the hardest things about this move.  I have seen these young men and ladies go from just kids to driving and to college.  I have laugh with them and cried with them and so much more. 

I know with facebook, text, and other things like that I will still talk to them but still i just hate to leave them.  God has other plans for me and I know that the staff here at DVC will take care of them. 

So to my youth past and present, I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Day After

Well it’s November 3 and it was a long night. I love election nights and last night was a good one.

But anyway, in 26 day we are going to Utah to start a new chapter in the Hoffmann family.  More and more ministries are starting to show themselves and God is really moving.  Although I still don’t know which one God wants for me, I know there is one. 

I’ll keep you posted…

Monday, November 1, 2010

Moving in 28 days

The Hoffmann family is Moving to Utah. We have felt that the Lord is call us to go and have a ministry in this great state. Please keep us in your prayers as we make this move.  We will be leaving on November 29 around 12:30pm. Remember you can find me at

I will try to stay day to day until the move but it is crazy times. I will be talking to you later.