One of the terms I hate the most in my ministry is the term, “Anti-Mormon”. Truly I hate this term because this is who I am not. Over the past few weeks I have been called this behind my back, on blogs, and other ways. Now this does hurt because I have said it before and will say it again, I LOVE MORMONS!!!
Now are my blogs talking about how I believe the LDS church is wrong, YES but that is only because I love. Just as the LDS send out Mormon missionaries door to door telling people that they will not be with God if they don’t do certain things, accordion to the LDS faith, I to preach what I know is true.
But as of late it seems that Mormons are trying to claim that the Biblical Christians are beating up on them. And I understand that with the GOP race and the Pastor in Texas, the Biblical Christians have been speaking out about the LDS faith, but we are not bashing you but we are trying to show that the Mormon faith is false. But in no way is the LDS innocent of not bashing of the Biblical Christians. In fact the LDS came out swinging. A lot of past Mormon teachers and prophets have been bashing the Christian Churches for years now. So please don’t think you are getting beat down because you all have a ton a beating in your past.
For example;
2nd President Brigham Young
“The people called Christians are shrouded in ignorance, and read the Scriptures with darkened understandings” (Brigham Young, October 8, 1859, Journal of Discourses 7:333).
“Should you ask why we differ from other Christians, as they are called, it is simply because they are not Christians as the New Testament defines Christianity” (Brigham Young, July 8, 1863, Journal of Discourses, 10:230).
6th President Joseph F. Smith
“…for I contend that the Latter-day Saints are the only good and true Christians, that I know anything about in the world. There are a good many people who profess to be Christians, but they are not founded on the foundation that Jesus Christ himself has laid” (Joseph F. Smith, November 2, 1891, [Stake conference message], Collected Discourses, 2:305. Ellipses mine).
And how about the pastor of these Churches that I am a member of? I am a pastor and I get paid, so what does the LDS think about me and others.
“Wherever creeds are found one can also expect to find a paid clergy, the simple truths of the gospel cloaked in the dark robes of mystery, religious intolerance, and a history of bloodshed” (Joseph Fielding McConkie and Craig Ostler, Revelations of the Restoration, p. 964).
Hard words on the part of the LDS to the churches and paid pastors. Oh and by the way, what church is the only true church?
Just because the Biblical Christian view is not the same as the LDS, that does not mean that we are Anti-Mormon, we just want to show you the truth found in the Bible and we want to make sure you have eternal life.
As a Pastor, Christian, friend, I love you and care for your soul.
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