Friday, October 7, 2011

Teachings of Thomas S. Monson (Part 1)

So today I got my copy of “Teachings of Thomas S. Monson” and I know I said that I would read a chapter a week and talk about it but the book is not set in chapters but sections of teaching. 


But as I started to look at the sections of teaching, a section stood out at me and made me think.  The section was on Heavenly Father in which I was to believe that how the LDS called God.  But in the New book there is no section titled Heavenly Father but is found under God the Father.


GEDC0189Now I understand that Mormon teachers and other have called God, God but I was always to believe that the most common name said by most Mormons that I have talked to was “Heavenly Father”.  I could be wrong on this but again the times I have been to temple square and talked with Mormons in Duchesne Utah, one of those been the bishops wife, all never called God, God the Father but called him Heavenly Father.  Even as I write this I hear on the radio a Mormon call God, “Heavenly Father”. (The Bible Answer Man Just a note, The Bible Answer Man is doing October on the Mormon Faith)

But this also made me think about what has been going on in the LDS faith lately with things like the Mormon Defense League  and even the LDS website.  it is only what I can call a white wash job done by the Mormons.  It seems to me and a lot of other Christians that the LDS are trying to look so much Christianity that the every day person would not notice one from the other. We saw this about 3 years ago with the last presidential election.  I’m just saying. 

I am not saying anything other that this is the first time I have seen this written that Heavenly Father is not called Heavenly Father but God the Father. 

I can’t wait to get more into this book and I will be hitting on this section more and basing it on the bible.



  1. Jesus Christ has many names and at times Mormons call him different names ex:Lord, Lord Christ, Savior etc. It is the same with Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father has different names ex: Father in Heaven, Celestial Father, God, God the father. Mormons also believe that the godhead is Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. Calling Heavenly Father, God the Father is not something new. My dad would start family prayer with God the father when I was growing up and I'm 32.

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is not trying to white wash anything. I own a company and 2 years ago I spent money to redesign my website. Things have change. Computers screens are 16:9 ratio and we all have smart phones and ipads. Christ church has always adapted that's why we're not writing on stone tablets. I go to many times during the week and I like the new format and and all the additional info. If anything it could be the opposite. More info, more videos and more when it comes to genealogy. The church is not just a North American church so they needed to help others that don't speak english.

    I hope this helps you understand more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

  2. Thank you for the input on how your dad said the family pray. it gives me a better understand on the name.

    I was wrong on my poat about the white wash on the fact of the but I still believe that is not being up front and truthful with what Mormons believe. are at lest i could say that they run around the question.

    Like the Question, "Are Jesus and Satan Spirit Brothers"? The short answer is YES we all are but in that section on the website it seems to me that they just run around and around saying yes but... Just say yes if thats what the church believes

    It hard for people like me to have study the mormon faith for 6 years before even moving to Utah to understand anything that the Church teaches becuase it seems to always change. this is why I got this book so I could understand what is being taught know for the man himself Thomas S. Monson
