Monday, October 10, 2011

Teachings of Thomas S. Monson: Part 2 (His Teachings VS The Book of Mormon)

So as I have started reading the sections in Thomas S. Monson book, I have read things that I don’t agree with but also things I do.  One of the things that I do agree with was in his section of the Atonement.  Now it is not that the Atonement took place in Gethsemane because it did not take place there but on the cross, but I will get to that in another post.  The part that I did agree with was on page 20 where Thomas says,

“More then 2000 years ago, Christ our Savior, was born to mortal life in a stable in Bethlehem. The long-foretold Messiah had come.” 

Did you catch that?  Did Thomas S. Monson just say that Jesus was born in Bethlehem? 

Although the Christian belief is that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, that is not what is written in the Book of Mormon. 

Alma 7:10 says, And behold, he shall be born of Mary, at Jerusalem which is the land of our forefathers, she being a virgin, a precious and chosen vessel, who shall be overshadowed and conceive by the power of the Holy Ghost, and bring forth a son, yea, even the Son of God.

Now we know what the bible says,

 Bethlehem Ephrathah, you are small among the clans of Judah; One will come from you to be ruler over Israel for Me. His origin is from antiquity, from eternity.    Micah 5:2 (HCSB)

Now this has been an issue for years because it is clearly wrong in the Book of Mormon, which is a problem because the Book of Mormon is call, “The Most Correct Book Ever Written” by the LDS church.

Now over the years, Mormons have clamed that Bethlehem was so close to Jerusalem that they where kind of one in the same.  The truth is, is that they are 6 miles apart and anyone from that area that you talk to will never say that you could say that Bethlehem was Jerusalem. or that Bethlehem was a sub community of Jerusalem, they were two different towns. 


 Bethlehem Ephrathah - a small town near Jerusalem on the West Bank of the Jordan River; early home of David and regarded as the place where Jesus was born.

Now to be fair I want and watched a video clip from to see what they said. It came to my attention that as they talked about Alma 7:10, they change the verse to make it say what they wanted it to.  They change it form saying, “at Jerusalem which is the land of our forefathers” and they said “that he was born at the land of Jerusalem.”  But again the Book of Mormon says, “at Jerusalem which is the land…”

So the question is this, Who is wrong? Joseph Smith? The Book of Mormon? Thomas S. Monson?

One of them is wrong on this subject. We know that History and the Bible states that Jesus was born in Bethlehem and not Jerusalem.  We know that God told us that the birth would take place in Bethlehem and not in the so called land of Jerusalem.  God was clear and that is where Jesus was born. 

So today I have to give it to Thomas S. Monson for telling his people that the Book of Mormon was wrong and that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. 




  1. They’re all right. It’s actually been argued that the Book of Mormon placing Christ’s birth in/at Jerusalem is probably the greatest proof of its authenticity. To be honest, the fact that people take issue with it at all indicates a surprising lack of familiarity with both the Bible and contemporary Hebrew customs.

    Here’s a launch page to several discussions of this intriguing topic:

    Enjoy! :-)

  2. Come on Jeff. 1st the Book of Mormon says "AT" , not around, not in the land of Jerusalem. It says at Jerusalem. I said I went to and they changed it to say what they wanted it to say.

    If you go to Bethlehem and try to say that it is the land of Jerusalem people will tell you that you are wrong. if you are in Jerusalem you are in Jerusalem, if you are in Bethlehem, you are in Bethlehem.

    Why didn't Thomas S. Monson say land of...? No he said Bethlehem. they are not all right, the LDS just tell you that to cover the mistake in the book of Mormon

    and if it did say mean in/at then it would still have to be in/at the city of Jerusalem and not Bethlehem.

    You would think that God would have made it clear in the Bible if the book of Mormon was right and said, In the Land of Jerusalem and not call Bethlehem BY NAME
