So this past Sunday, the Salt Lake Tribune ran this cartoon. Now at first look it just looks like a cartoon about the upcoming 2012 GOP President bid. Now both of these men, Huntsman and Romney are both Mormons and are telling everyone that Mormon is Christian.
Now Being a Christian living and preaching in a 90% Mormon town, this cartoon says more to me then most. Not looking at this as a political cartoon but as a kick to the Christian and there understanding of Mormons, but it is also about the Mormon’s understanding of their own faith.
Case-N-Point: The other day a woman came to my door, she was woman that lived down the street and happen to be one of the bishop wife. Now she came to meet my family because she was told that we have 2 girls and she to had a young girl, but the conversation moved to God.
She told me about her teenage Girl that came last summer to a youth event that was put on by some Christian that come in the summer to do our VBS. The teenager was told by some of the Christian youth that she was wrong and although she was, this girl wanted to know what was different about our 2 faiths.
Now as this woman told me this story she was trying to see if I was going to be a pastor that would just tell them that they were wrong and that be that but I informed her that we did in fact believe 2 different things that make one Christian and the other Mormon but I was here to talk and inform people of what is true.
She then asked me if it was because they did not believe in the trinity that made Christian believe that they were un-Christian. BINGO!!! well at lest one of the reasons.
See over the years the Mormon church have been trying to do all they can to look Christian. remember that they use the words god and jesus but it is not the true God and Jesus. When talking to this woman, so much she wanted me to tell her she was a Christian but as a preacher for the truth, I could not.
But it is strange to me because Joseph Smith never wanted his church, and I do mean his church to be Christian. He did not believe in the God of the bible and he made up his own. but know the LDS church wants to like Christians.
Sorry you need to change some things.
“The people called Christians are shrouded in ignorance, and read the Scriptures with darkened understandings” (Brigham Young, October 8, 1859, Journal of Discourses 7:333).
“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has many beliefs in common with other Christian churches. But we have differences, and those differences explain why we send missionaries to other Christians…” (Dallin Oaks, “Apostasy and Restoration,” Ensign (Conference Edition), May 1995, p. 84).
Mormon and Christian are not the same and Christians and Mormons need to understand this. This comes from not know the truth about the faiths in question, and this is on both sides.
Christian, you need to study the differences so that you know how to tell the Mormon at you door the truth. don’t be like Joel Osteen and tell people that you believe that they are Christians because you don’t know any better.
Mormons, you need to take some time and understand how your religion came to be. don’t just believe what you leaders are teaching you but study it for yourselves. Just because you call a cat a dog does not mean it is.
Dear Mormon friend, I want you to know I love you and I want you to have salvation through Jesus Christ.
8 For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift— 9 not from works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 (HCSB)
This gift can be your but you need to free yourself from the bondage of the church you are in. read the bible and it will set you free.
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