Monday, March 28, 2011

Why My Heart Breaks for Mormons

I have been living in Utah for 3 months now and my heart breaks every day. I have seen so many people who follow the Mormon faith that are really great people but will go to Hell if they do not change their ways. There are 2 people that come to my mind and I won’t give their names, but I know these 2 people that are Mormons and my heart hurts.

One of these people is very active in the Mormon Church and as one person says, “Is very Mormon.” The other is what is known as a, “Mormon by name only”. This is a person that does not follow the faith much at all but says they are Mormon because at one time they were baptized into it, and it looks good for business.

Being a Baptist Pastor and being called to Utah by God, it’s my job to show the truth to these people. I have talked with the “Mormon by name only” and have found that she is very lost. They are not Mormon or anything for that fact. She is a person that believes that Mormons are Christians and that she attends other churches when she feel like it.

Now one must understand that once you have joined the Mormon Church, you are told that all others churches are wrong and if you’re seen in another church, you can lose whatever position you hold and if you have a business, you could lose it. Now I know that this concept my sound a little out there, but it is the truth. It’s like once your Mormon, you’re Mormon or you’re dead to them.

This has put fear into a lot of people in Utah about leaving the Mormon Church. As I was talking to the “Mormon by name only”, I told her that the God of the bible and the god of the book of Mormon are two very different beings. For one, the God of the bible is real and the god of the book of Mormon is not. (Now I did not say it so blunt but for the blog this is how I will explain it.) The 2nd time I talked to her, she once again told me how glad she was that I moved here to spread the truth, or in her words, “Another form of the truth.”

The other person I have not been able to talk with yet, but I pray for him every day. I have still not had any Mormon missionaries come to my door and I have been bumped about that one.

But I write this because my Heart is breaking everyday for them. I live among a great group of people but they are lost to this cult known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Please pray from them and me as I work with them and tell them the truth.

Until next time…

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