Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Biggest Question (DVD)

The Biggest Question (DVD)


Pre-order: The Biggest Question. Who do you know who isn't saved? Have you been looking for a product that you could give to that person, but you just have not found the right one? We think we have just what you need. The Biggest Question.

Price: $9.95

Wretched Club Members take 10 - 15% off!


Will ship on or before June 28th.

How many hours do we spend answering the question, “What should I wear today?”

How much energy have you spent planning a vacation?

How many calories have you burned worrying about your retirement?

While those are important questions to answer, how many hours have you spent pondering The Biggest Question?

Philosophers say there are four philosophical questions that every human should consider:

>Who am I?

>Where did I come from?

>Why am I here?

While those are VERY important questions, they pale in comparison to The Biggest Question.

Join Kirk Cameron, RW Glenn and Todd Friel as they invite you to be introspective and answer the most important question you will ever consider.

You will be glad you did.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Christian Arrested for Reading the Bible in Public - Caught on Video

This is from the story behind the open air pastors being arrested.

Last February, a team of individuals from Calvary Chapel Hemet, California, headed to their local Department of Motor Vehicles to fulfill the Great Commission through “street evangelism.” They found a spot about fifty feet from the entrance, where people were lining up waiting for the DMV to open, and Mark Mackey began to read passages from the Bible aloud.

Shortly thereafter, a security guard approached Mark and told him that he needed to leave. However, Mark was on public property and appropriately believed that he had a First Amendment right to free speech on that public property. Mark continued to read the Bible aloud. About 10 minutes later, an officer from the California Highway Patrol approached Mark, took the Bible out of his hands, and arrested him.

When Mark asked why he was being arrested, the officer said “you can preach on your own property … but you’re not allowed to preach here because this is a captive audience.” Of course, there is no such law that actually says you cannot communicate with a so-called “captive audience.”

Assistant Pastor Bret Coronado and Ed Flores watched the scene unfold and asked the CHP officer, “What law was he breaking?” However, the officer could not cite any actual law. Pastor Coronado asked if they were breaking the law and the officer said, “You are if you preach.” After continuing to ask the officer to cite an actual law that was being violated, Pastor Coronado and Ed were both arrested.

The question these men asked was a valid one…”What law was he breaking?” The one they came up with was “impeding an open business.”

Well, there are two things wrong with this classification. First, the DMV was closed when Mark was reading the Bible aloud. Second, they were standing at least fifty feet away from the doors to the office, and this law was specifically meant to protect businesses from protesters who block their doors or seek to intimidate persons from entering.

Advocates for Faith & Freedom has filed a lawsuit on behalf of these three men for violation of their right to free speech, for false arrest and for false imprisonment. A copy of the Complaint can be found here.

While some fellow Christians might disagree with the evangelistic approach taken by these men, we must defend the right to engage in religious speech on public property in all circumstances, or our right to do so will be infringed upon to a greater extent in the future. Our constitutional right to speak freely on public property is fundamental to our liberty, whether the speech is political or religious in nature. This Nation was founded upon the ideas of our founding fathers that were discussed and debated openly in town squares and public places. Any infringement of that right must be defended to the greatest extent possible to preserve the right for future generations. Consider what would have happened if Martin Luther King’s message could have been censored merely because it was disagreeable to some.

This scene was caught on video (click here), because this evangelism team has been assaulted in the past while street witnessing. Additionally, they don’t want any false accusations to be made, and they now make it a practice to record their activities.


Please watch the five minute video of what occurred at the DMV that day. If you are bothered by the false arrest and religious intolerance shown to these men, please share this video with your friends and get the word out that we will not stand for the silencing of Christianity in our nation!

We want this video to spread throughout the country to help bring awareness to Christians about how fragile our religious liberty might be if we fail to act.

This information is provided by Advocates for Faith and Freedom, a non-profit religious law firm dedicated to protecting religious liberty in the courts! To help us in our ongoing battle for religious freedom, click here to donate to Advocates.

What has the USA came to?

7 “Teacher,” they asked Him, “so when will these things be? And what will be the sign when these things are about to take place?” 8 Then He said, “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Don’t follow them. 9 When you hear of wars and rebellions, don’t be alarmed. Indeed, these things must take place first, but the end won’t come right away.”

10 Then He told them: “Nation will be raised up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be violent earthquakes, and famines and plagues in various places, and there will be terrifying sights and great signs from heaven. 12 But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and persecute you. They will hand you over to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors because of My name.

13 It will lead to an opportunity for you to witness. 14 Therefore make up your minds not to prepare your defense ahead of time, 15 for I will give you such words and a wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.

16 You will even be betrayed by parents, brothers, relatives, and friends. They will kill some of you. 17 You will be hated by everyone because of My name, 18 but not a hair of your head will be lost. 19 By your endurance gain your lives.

Luke 21:7-19 (HCSB)

We see things like this and think, “This can’t happen” but clearly it is.  We live in a land that hates God and loves sin.

In this video the cop says that he would not allow the preacher to offend one more person with the preaching.  well if that’s the case I would like for the cops to arrest all the rappers and other singers who use the F-Bomb in there songs, all TV actors and actress that uses the Lords name wrongly, all the women that walked in those “Slut Walks” because these are things that offend me in the passed few day. 

But the cops are to worried about the preachers that love and care for people and don’t want the to go to HELL then to get the real problem. There are so many things in the USA that make sin a good thing but only a few to preach out ageist it. 

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the road is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who go through it. 14 How narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life, and few find it.

Matt 7:13-14 (HCSB)

When we came to live in a free country, well that’s only if we go along with the rest of the people.  I can not wait until the day a cop come to shut me up, because I know that God is with me and that God will win in the end and I am on His side. 

Until Next Time…


Well I said until next time and then it came, only a few hours latter. 

What law was he breaking, Preaching the word.  It’s a dark day in the USA, please pray.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Heading to the Road

Yesterday my wife put me on the first steps to getting my motorcycle.  This was a move from just talking about wanting one to getting one because now I have the jacket.  Yes, yes yes my wife got me a leather jacket.


This is my new motorcycle jacket and I could not be happier.  Now I just need the bike…


Harley Davidson Iron 883

This is the bike I have wanted for since 2009 when it came out. This is one of the best looking bikes I have seen and I am hoping one day, sooner then later, I will be my own Iron 883.  But for now I have the jacket and that’s good for now. 


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Date night and other things

Last night my wife and I got to have a date night. this is the first date night we have had since we moved to Utah.  Last night we went to see Thor and I could not have been happier. 


Now being the huge comic geek I am, this was a very big thing for me and luckily I have an awesome wife that would seat through Thor and let me jabber on about Thor comics and others on the way home.

Men, do you want to know if your girl loves you? Show her your geeky side and if she stays, you got a keeper.  For the women who have married geeks and love them, we thank you for accepting us. 

Then when we got home and got the kids to bed, I turn on the TV and it was on Fox News.  Now I have not watched Fox News as much as I use to but I still enjoy it.  Well it was on Sean Hannity and he had Rebecca St. James and Tamara Holder talking about “Slut Week”, their words not mine. (Please watch the clip before reading the rest.)


Now please, I am just going to tell you what goes through the mind of a man and I know not all men think this way but as a man I have a point of view. 

Women, when you dress like a sex object that is what men think you are.  We see you as nothing more then an “easy girl”.

Now I have seen women dressing like this since High School and before I became a Christian this is what you dress said to me;

“Come get me because I dressed like this for you, I want you!!!” 

Now I never acted on it and to be true full, I have only been with my wife but this was what I was thinking.

 Women you may be saying to yourselves; “Your sick!!!” But sorry this how most men think.

Now I am a Christian and the lust of the flesh is something that I have struggled with since I Became a Christian and it does not help when you women dress like this. 

9 But be careful that this right of yours in no way becomes a stumbling block to the weak.

1 Cor 8:9 (HCSB)

Now I am not going to say that you all are asking for it because that is not my place because I do not believe that it is your flats.  I do not think that rape is ok or right in any way,  but you do not help the fact that you dress like a hooker or easy or what ever you want to call it.  Men are very visual people and when you dress like a porn star then to most men, they think you want to be a porn star.  And that’s all I ‘m going to say, like it or not but this is from a Godly man point of view who use to live of the world. 

Until Next Time…

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Is There a Hell?

So Rob Bell has a new book and I will not even give it’s name. This so called preacher is no more then a wolf in sheep's skins.  In his new book, Rob Bell clams that there is no Hell and that everyone will accept Christ in the end, meaning that they can do this after they die… sounds a little like Mormonism, just a little.  But Rob is moving into the realm of Universalism, although he clams not to be but he sounds like it.

Please view this video of Franklin Graham on Bill O’Reilly

And this clip from MSNBC.  Yea I know, MSNBC but this host did a great job making Rob Bell squirm. 

Please, if you like Rob Bell, Pray for him.  What he is teaching is not of the Bible, he needs you Prayers.

Until Next Time…