Monday, July 19, 2010

Rooted in the Word

For the past year i have been look for a church where God wants me to lead His people.  Too this date God still has not placed me where He wants me.  To be truthful i think i know where He wants me but it’s just not my time.  i kind of feel like David waiting on Saul to stop being King. 

I have decided that in the meantime i will start a freelancing ministry named Rooted Ministries. this is something that has been on my heart for about 4 to 5 months now. I started by making up my own business cards and try to reach out to churches, pastors, and other Christians to get this off the ground. 

what i need from people that read this is for you to pray.  Prayer is the best thing that can help and i know i need to turn to God to get this truly off the ground, i can’t do it with out Him.  So please take some time to pray for me and my new ministry and also remember the youth ministry i am still working in a Dorsett Village Church. 

Look for more info on Rooted Ministries   


  1. Prayer...God's way of allowing us to tap into His power. Your also wise in the choises you make by asking for prayer warriors on this behalf.
    I've been following you for some time now and invite you to visit my blog and follow it as well if you wish.

  2. Hi Pastor Wil
    I like your thoughts. I invite you to follow my blog. Johnny V
