Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Let’s wait for God

So in July i have 3 sermons to do.  i have one for youth camp, the two for Jonesburg Baptist Church on the 11 and 18.  This is great for me because i love to preach, i love to study, i just love everything about my job. 

i decided to get a head start on things and get some of my sermons out of the way but when i started, nothing came out.  i walk around all day trying to come up with something but nothing. 

I hate when that happens.

But i know i have to wait on God to show me what he wants me to say.  all my sermons have to be from God and nobody else, not even me.  i am doing His work and i have to Speak His words. God will give me His words and i will preach them, but until then i will study and pray. 

Dearborn Michigan: 3 Christians Arrested For Reaching out to Muslims!

Look like the end times is here. you know it's the end when Christian's are arrested in the USA.

Dearborn Michigan: 3 Christians Arrested For Reaching out to Muslims!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

To my Friend

  i was 14, getting ready to go into high school and on this date i last one of my best friends.  Cory William Rock die on this date 14 years ago. over time i was told that it would not hurt as much and that's true, now I'm just sad.  Now that i have grown up, got myself a wife, Got myself 2 kids, I’m sad that he never got to have this kind of life. I do miss you and i wish things were different but until i see you again, Have fun and always Rock.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

If God is Good…

When bad things happen to people, others want to blame God or even clam that God is not there. We can not blame God when bad things happen and then praise Him when things go right. We have to praise Him always. It’s not God’s fault that bad things happen, its ours. We are the sinners, sin is the reason that bad things are in the world.

Genesis 3:6-9 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)

6 Then the woman saw that the tree was good for food and delightful to look at, and that it was desirable for obtaining wisdom. So she took some of its fruit and ate [it]; she also gave [some] to her husband, [who was] with her, and he ate [it]. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves.

It was at point that sin came in to the world and all the bad things happen. but we still sin and bad things still happen. See if we lived to perfect world then bad things would not happen but because we want to live in a world of sin then the bad things happen. Don’t blame God, we need to blame ourselves.

and that’s the truth

My Monkey and Me


Just another day with my monkey.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sometimes i feel like homer.


When i know something is bad but then i still do it. We as humans live in a world of sin and believe in God (if you do) then why do we sin. Now i know we are just humans and over all we are bad people (Rom 3:10-12) but that's not a way out. If you call yourself a Christian then we should know not to sin when we are faced with. Take speeding, Big problem for me. My family has always been known for having a heavy foot and in my life i have used it. now i know that speeding is wrong, obey the law of the land (Rom 13:1), but i still do it. Not saying I’m some speed demon but i still go 1 to 5 miles over. If the sign says 60 then we should go 60, not 61 not 62 but only 60.


We see sin but we still do it. I feel like crap. Jesus died for me and i keep spitting on him. Sin is ugly and we seem to live in it. i have seen a lot of Christian that try so hard to live in the world that they act and look like it. I love when people tell me that “Jesus would hang out with the sinners”, this is true but Jesus never blended into the group, He stood out. Jesus was the one in the room that people looked at and say, “What's up with that guy?” We too need to stand out. As Christians we need to be the one in the room that people say, “why is that person different?”

So what do we do when sin comes our way. If we love God and want to obey Him we need to be in the Word all day. When sin comes our way we need to turn to the Word of God. I have a bible in every room in my house and when sin comes i grab the Word and read. Christians need to carry their bible everywhere we go.

banned-bible It drives me crazy to see people not have their bible at church. the question is, if they can’t bring it to church, then will they have it when sin comes. If your not in the Word all day everyday then you will be hit hard by sin. If you don’t have a sword in a sword fight then your dead. If the bible is our sword then we need to use it. We are fighting a war and we have to have our weapon. sometimes we have our bibles but don’t use them. A book is no good if you don’t use it. I love to see people with bibles that have been beaten up by being used. I love to see the notes that people write in their bibles. Not to see what they think but to know that they use it. When we use it we are less a chances to fall into sin. I guess what i am trying to say is if we don’t want to feel like a homer then we need to get more into the Word.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lets Not Fight

We as christian need to stop fighting and we need to start working together to help bring the lost to christ.